MY NEW BLOG: The Ciudadista: Life in the City

Thursday, July 15, 2004

The Angelo de la Cruz saga

The Philippines made it again to the headlines of major news organisations all over the world for the not so happy reasons.

The issue:
Iraqi militants abducted Filipino worker, Angelo de la Cruz in Iraq. The militants demand that the Philippines recall its so-called humanitarian contingent from Iraqi soil. The consquence for not following the demands is the death of de la Cruz.

Bowing to domestic opinion the government of the Philippines has announced that the Philippines will pullout its humanitarian forces.

Now, the Philippines is receiving rants from members of the 'coalition of the willing' due to this decision.

The question is whether de la Cruz is alive and safe. [I hope he is still alive.]

My opinion:
I am not concerned whether the Philippines receive aid or raves from the United States and its allies for supporting them. What is more important are the lives of Filipinos overseas. The economic and social cost of losing a breadwinner is a lot higher than what the US can 'promise or pledge' to the Philippines.

The life of de la Cruz (by the way is a father of eight children) cannot be replaced by B-2 visas (non-immigrant tourist), 'green cards,' surplus military equipment, and promises of 'economic aid.'

I am appalled by the opinion of some people who seem to not care on the prospect that de la Cruz could be killed. A life of a person is more important than Washington's ego.

Related links:
Confusion over Philippine troops
US struggles with Philippine fallout
Allies slam Philippine move
Google News search findings